• The Otis Long Term Gun Storage Kit is perfect for between hunting seasons, while on deployment or preserving collectible firearms. This kit provides the necessary gear to protect and store your firearm for an extended period of time while keeping it in peak condition. It includes Rust Stopper Rust Prevention Gun Storage Bags (3 pistol, 3 rifle/shotgun), microfiber towels (3), chamber flags (6), all purpose receiver brush, Shooter’s Choice MC-7 bore cleaner (2 oz bottle), FP-10 Lubricant Elite® (4 oz bottle) and Rust Prevent (6 oz aerosol). To Prepare your Firearm for Long Term Storage: 1. Make sure firearm is unloaded. 2. Clean bore with MC-7, using cleaning gear of choice and follow instructions on included bottle. 3. Lubricate inner & outer workings of firearm using FP-10® and follow instructions on included bottle. 4. Wipe down exterior with microfiber towel, removing any excess lube, contaminants and fingerprints. 5. Apply Rust Prevent by following the instructions on the bottle. Allow to dry for five minutes, do not wipe off and repeat application. 6. Place chamber flag in empty chamber if desired. 7. Place firearm in Rust Stopper rust prevention bag being sure to follow instructions on bag. Rust Stopper rust prevention bags feature VCI technology and will protect your firearms when stored properly for one year. When Removing Firearm from Bag: 1. Make sure firearm is unloaded. 2. Clean bore with MC-7, using cleaning gear of choice and follow instructions on included bottle. 3. Lightly lubricate with FP-10®, following instructions on included bottle. 4. To remove Rust Prevent from outer surface of the firearm, use a degreaser like Shooter's Choice Polymer Safe Quick Scrub III.